Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Philippe Mora Q and A (2013)

2013 - I introduced Philippe Mora’s "70s Guerrilla Filmmaking" presentation and Q and A at the You Don't Have To Be Jewish! Film Festival, State Library, South Brisbane 16/02/13

Philippe Mora’s Facebook update from 17/02/13: “Had great kickoff events yesterday with my talk on the early film days here, making Mad Dog Morgan, its history, the spirit of those times, then a lengthy Q&A chaired by the knowledgeable Andrew Leavold, which went into many of my films. Some Brisbane film buffs were very keen on the genre movies (The Beast Within, Howling 3 et al), even bringing out well worn video boxes for me to sign. The reactive audience very much enjoyed the whole thing including a clip of Hopper saying making Mad Dog was one his greatest life experiences. Andrew, it turns out, is also very interested in history and has a collection of films made in the Third Reich. This event stretched from 2 hours to 3, then we all went next door for a fine opening reception of the festival with excellent food, wine and live music.”


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